What is the Right Way to Fight Back Pain?

Right Way to Fight Back Pain

The statistics on the number of people plagued with back pain, to say the least, is overwhelming. Many back pain relief systems are also not effective. Also, there are numerous hemp oil treatment which are as well not effective.

Despite the plethora of medications available from big pharma, many are unsure what to do simply because some of these medications are not up to the task, and some even make a painful experience precarious.

In order to combat these debilitating and excruciating body pains, some take painkillers or use traditional methods.

The most important questions and answers on Back Pain

Why does back pain suffering spread like an epidemic?

Almost everyone knows them, but many are unsure how best to counteract and what better to avoid. Basically, if the pain lasts longer than a week, you should definitely see a doctor, says Tanja Cordes from the Campaign for Healthy Backs (AGR) based in Selsingen in Lower Saxony, Germany. The same applies if they radiate into the arms or legs, or if you get symptoms of paralysis. This can be an indication of a serious illness – such as a herniated disc.

Should sufferers take painkillers immediately or later?

Under no circumstances should those affected always resort to pain relievers immediately, even if it is unbearable. Basically, pain is a warning signal that something is wrong in the body, says the naturopath Rene Gräber from Preetz in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Painkillers can help momentarily, but the problem itself, namely the cause of the discomfort, remains unsolved.

“Those affected should therefore think first about the probable cause of the pain,”

Michael Preibsch, deputy chairman of the German Association for Physiotherapy based in Cologne

Back pain is often preceded by “tension” that can be traced back to one-side or unfamiliar strain.

Which is better, warm or rather cold?

As a rule, warmth is good for the back when it is tensed, for example with a red light lamp. “The ideal therapeutic warmth is 40 degrees Celsius,” explains Cordes. Warmth improves blood circulation and relaxes both cramped muscles and nerve tracts.

In addition, the heat superimposes the pain stimulus and thus reduces the pain sensation. Some experts recommend special heat bags or bottles. They keep the heat up to twelve hours and at the same time allow those affected to move. This is important because while warmth provides immediate relief from pain, exercise helps prevent new tension.

“…there is no general recommendation as to whether those affected should treat their aching back with warmth or cold…”

Michael Preibsch, deputy chairman of the German Association for Physiotherapy, Cologne Germany

However, not everyone can cope well with heat when they have back pain. Some people tend to use ice cubes on the affected areas.

Worthy of note though is that ice cubes on the back may not necessarily be effective because of the close proximity to the kidneys and the associated risk of kidney problems. On the other hand, “heat therapy is definitely counterproductive if the back pain is due to inflammation,” says Gräber.

If there is muscular tension behind the pain, massage can help, says Preibsch. A good therapist knows different ways to loosen the tissue. Patients who tolerate it should lie down in a mud pack before the massage or irradiate their back with a red light lamp. After such a heat application, a masseur can use his fingers to massage the tensed areas on the back even better and relax them, explains Gräber.

However, in order to get the problem of muscular tension under control in the long term, exercise is important. “Small changes in everyday life, such as using the bike instead of the car or the stairs instead of the elevator, can help,” says Cordes.

Which relaxation techniques can help?

The Jacobsen muscle relaxation is proven to be a very good relaxation method for back pain, says Cordes. This is especially true when tension is the cause. Progressive muscle relaxation is about the targeted tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups. Since back pain is often the result of stress, anti-stress programs can also help. In addition to autogenic training, this is also meditation, says Gräber.

Which other types of movement are useful?

If the back pain is unspecific – that is, no clear cause can be found, then any kind of movement is good.

“Under no circumstances should those affected sit or lie down for the most part and rely on the symptoms and become inactive”


Walking as well as stretching and strengthening exercises can help. For training from home, the Pain Coach offers the opportunity to register for courses in the online pain studio.

The German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention (DGSP) also recommends walking, jogging, targeted back exercises, swimming, and fitness training as back-friendly sports. Tennis, squash, golf, and hockey, on the other hand, are not recommended from this point of view.

Our tried and tested pain reliefs

I would not bombard you with too many choices. I present only two options:

1.Hemp Oil
2.Back Pain Relief System

Hemp Oil & DMSO Roll-On

For Pain & Inflammation Relief

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Hemp Oil & DMSO Roll-On deals with the following pains:

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Usage: it is a roll-on, just roll it on the affected area and that is it.

Back Pain Relief System:

Lose Th Back Pain - HealthImpress
Lose Th Back Pain – HealthImpress

The back pain relief system is ideal for the following indications:

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We have seen that in order to combat any excruciating back pains, some take painkillers or use traditional methods. such as warming. In doing so, we have answered some of the most important questions people ask concerning back pain. Again, two remedies have been recommended to those who would want to have relief or healing from their back pains.

All in all, it is our prayer that you find a lasting solution to whatever type of pain you have.

You can check our products page to find out more about Hemp Oil & DMSO Roll-On and the Back Pain Relief System

Take care..!

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